24 май е един от най-значимите празници в българския културен календар – Денят на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост. На този ден честваме създаването на кирилицата от светите братя Кирил и Методий, които са дали на българите, а и на много други славянски народи, възможността да четат и пишат на свой език.
Празникът е и време, когато се събираме със семейство и приятели, за да почетем нашето културно наследство. Българската кухня играе важна роля в тези събирания, като носи в себе си вкусовете и ароматите на традицията.
На 24 май, много българи обичат да приготвят и споделят традиционни ястия като шопска салата, мусака и баница, а ние от Taste of Bulgaria правим всичко възможно, за да получавате свежи български продукти на възможно най-ниски цени.
Шопската салата със своите свежи домати, краставици, чушки и сирене е символ на лятната свежест и разнообразие, които са характерни за българската трапеза. Мусаката, със своите пластове от картофи, кайма и заливка от кисело мляко и яйца, носи усещането за домашен уют и грижовност. А баницата, приготвена с тънки кори и пълнеж от сирене и яйца, е неизменна част от всяко празнично меню и е символ на споделената радост и семейните традиции.
Освен тези ястия, на 24 май често можем да видим и десерти като тиквеник и курабийки, които допълват празничната трапеза и носят усещане за сладост и уют.
Празникът на 24 май е не само време за честване на нашето културно и образователно наследство, но и възможност да се насладим на богатството на българската кухня, която е неразделна част от нашата идентичност. Нека на този ден се съберем около масата с близки и приятели, за да почетем миналото и да създадем нови спомени, които ще пазим в сърцата си. Нашият онлайн магазин работи за Вас 24/7.
Ако все още търсите надежден доставчик на български стоки за вашия бизнес, то не се колебайте да се свържете с нас още днес на order@tasteofbulgaria.net.
Посетете нашия уебсайт https://tasteofbulgaria.net/ или ни позвънете на +359 877995822
May 24 is one of the most significant holidays in the Bulgarian cultural calendar – the Day of Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture and of Slavic Writing. On this day, we celebrate the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet by the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, who gave the Bulgarians, as well as many other Slavic peoples, the opportunity to read and write in their own language.
The holiday is also a time when we gather with family and friends to honor our cultural heritage. Bulgarian cuisine plays an important role in these gatherings, bringing with it the flavors and aromas of tradition.
On May 24, many Bulgarians like to prepare and share traditional dishes such as shop salad, moussaka and banitsa, and we at Taste of Bulgaria do our best to get you fresh Bulgarian products at the lowest possible prices.
The shop salad with its fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and cheese is a symbol of summer freshness and variety, which are characteristic of the Bulgarian table. The moussaka, with its layers of potatoes, minced meat and topping of yogurt and eggs, brings the feeling of home comfort and care. And the pie, made with thin crusts and a filling of cheese and eggs, is an indispensable part of every holiday menu and is a symbol of shared joy and family traditions.
In addition to these dishes, on May 24 we can often see desserts such as pumpkin and cookies, which complement the festive table and bring a feeling of sweetness and coziness.
The holiday on May 24 is not only a time to celebrate our cultural and educational heritage, but also an opportunity to enjoy the richness of Bulgarian cuisine, which is an integral part of our identity. On this day, let’s gather around the table with relatives and friends to honor the past and create new memories that we will keep in our hearts. Our online store works for you 24/7.
If you are still looking for a reliable supplier of Bulgarian goods for your business, do not hesitate to contact us today at order@tasteofbulgaria.net.
Visit our website https://tasteofbulgaria.net/ or call us at +359 877995822
#TasteOfBulgaria #BulgarianTastes
The holiday is also a time when we gather with family and friends to honor our cultural heritage. Bulgarian cuisine plays an important role in these gatherings, bringing with it the flavors and aromas of tradition.
On May 24, many Bulgarians like to prepare and share traditional dishes such as shop salad, moussaka and banitsa, and we at Taste of Bulgaria do our best to get you fresh Bulgarian products at the lowest possible prices.
The shop salad with its fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and cheese is a symbol of summer freshness and variety, which are characteristic of the Bulgarian table. The moussaka, with its layers of potatoes, minced meat and topping of yogurt and eggs, brings the feeling of home comfort and care. And the pie, made with thin crusts and a filling of cheese and eggs, is an indispensable part of every holiday menu and is a symbol of shared joy and family traditions.
In addition to these dishes, on May 24 we can often see desserts such as pumpkin and cookies, which complement the festive table and bring a feeling of sweetness and coziness.
The holiday on May 24 is not only a time to celebrate our cultural and educational heritage, but also an opportunity to enjoy the richness of Bulgarian cuisine, which is an integral part of our identity. On this day, let’s gather around the table with relatives and friends to honor the past and create new memories that we will keep in our hearts. Our online store works for you 24/7.
If you are still looking for a reliable supplier of Bulgarian goods for your business, do not hesitate to contact us today at order@tasteofbulgaria.net.
Visit our website https://tasteofbulgaria.net/ or call us at +359 877995822
#TasteOfBulgaria #BulgarianTastes